warrior cats love story~~for She-cats~~part 2

Hello!! I am wavewhisker of riverclan! If you didn't read part1, please try it! This quiz is for she-cats,not for toms. So be careful.I hope you enjoy the quiz!

This is the story about a warrior named willowfang. There are four toms that loves her, and she will choose which tom should be her mate. It is all your choices to choose which tom do you like. Enjoy!

Created by: wavewhisker
  1. 1.you were pinned down by a rouge,and can't fight back. Suddenly,another cat jumped out of the bushes and attacked the rouge.It was a shadowclan deputy named fernheart.2 toms were fighting at the front of you. What did you think?
  2. 2. The shadowclan deputy dipped his head to you and your clan cats."sorry to enter your clan territory. But I saw the rouge attacking you and I didn't want you to be killed." You said,"thank you for the help,fernheart." You saw that blizzardfoot gave fernheart a sharp look.
  3. 3."That shadowclan cat is annoying!" Blizzardfoot is grumpy at the way to the camp."why?"you asked. "He saved me from that rouge.""b,because..."blizzardfoot's cheek get red."I,I love you."
  4. 4.As you get to the camp, you and your clanmates go to the leader's den and report everything. The leader, wavestar,said that we will double the patrol, to be ware of rouges. You agreed to the leader,and went outside.As you approached to the fresh-kill-pile, shadeclaw came,and talked to you."do you want to share this fish with me?" what will you do?
  5. As you struggle into the warriors nest,someone lies innext to you. Who do you want to sleep next to?
  6. It was kestrelwing. He found that you are awake,and quickly said sorry. You asked,"since I am awake,let's go on a walk."Sure."kestrelwing agrees,and they left the warriors den.
  7. As you leave the camp with kestrelwing, they heard a strange noise from near the lake. It was calling for help.kestrelwing and you dashed to the lake,and there they saw a big tom drowning. It was fernheart!
  8. You and kestrelwing dived in the water,swimming towards fernheart.(we are riverclan cats,so we can swim.)you grab the scruff and pulls it towards the land. As you reach the land,he licks your nose and say,"thank you..."
  9. "We need to bring back fernheart to our camp."you said,as you face kestrelwing."okay." Kestrelwing agreed."he don't have the strength to go back to his clan."you and kestrelwing supported fernheart from both sides.
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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