warrior cat quiz. Who are you?

Warriors! A wonderful book full of great cats. Who would you be? Find out in my first quiz, but don't be scared. I tried my best to make it good and fun for people.

So, who would you be? Of four clans, you could be one of them. You see what you favorite food is, Apprentice, and rank. Your name, too. Again, who would you be? Let's find out!

Created by: cameron
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do like to help friends when something happens
  2. If you had a friend who died in battle, what would you do?
  3. You perfer to eat:
  4. You find paradise in:
  5. Favorite time of day is:
  6. You meet a fox, you:
  7. Your hobby is:
  8. Favorite animal is:
  9. Favorite color is:
  10. You favorite song genre is;

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Quiz topic: Warrior cat quiz. Who am I?