Warrior cat NAME!!!

This quiz was created because I love the Warriors book series. I want anyone else who loves the book series to take this quiz. I think that you will like my test!!!

Know it is time to find out your warrior name. This quiz must be answered honestly. There has been no other quiz as truly awesome as this one! PREPARE TO BE BLOWN AWAY!!!

Created by: Wolfgirl13
  1. Someone invades your territory!!! What r u going to do!!!?
  2. Do u have a mate?
  3. Are you tough
  4. NO EFECT ON YOUR RESULT!!! Do u like my test so far?
  5. Can u hunt
  6. What do u want your pelt (fur) color to be
  7. What do u do for fun
  8. Do u have or want kits
  9. There is one more question Is this fun
  10. LAST QUESTION What clan r u in

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