Warrior_Cat_Love_Story: Part Two

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Ready for part two of Warrior_Cat_Love_Story??? I AM!!! There are three toms. You are a pretty she-cat named Fawnkit. Three toms love you and you choose who you fall for!

Created by: CrookedstarRules
  1. "Fawnpaw!" called Minnowpaw, your sister. You rose to your paws as she says that Leafwing was asking for you. You walk out and see your mother nuzzling Treestar.
  2. Leafwing sees you and rushes over. "Fawnpaw! We are joining a border patrol to see the territory." You feel your pelt tickle with excitement. "Can
  3. Leafwing nodds, and adds "Everyone is coming."
  4. As you leave, Bravepaw is side by side with you as you squeeze through the gorse tunnel. You two get stuck for a second. Bravepaw opens his mouth and apologizes, face red.
  5. As you get free, you squeak as a thorn nicks your fur. Rainpaw hears you and runs over, licking out the thorn. Shadowpaw and Bravepaw glare at him.
  6. As you walk, you feel Shadowpaw's black pelt brush your dusty brown pelt. "Sorry." he murmured. *Is he... Blushing?* you think.
  7. Before long, you have seen all of ThunderClan. You had spent most of the time with...
  8. Later, Rainpaw says he needs help collecting herbs. "Will you come with me?" he asks.
  9. "Alright!" he purrs as you say sure. As you walk, he places herbs at your paws and you pick them up. You cannot smell or taste anything at all over the strong smell of marigold.
  10. Suddenly, you hear a rustle in the grass as Rainpaw runs ahead. Before you can call out to him, a dark grey blur of fur rams into you, snarling. Caught off guard, he quickly pins you down. He raises his claws and Bravepaw pulls him off by his scruff, just as the claws meet your throat. Blood pools at your neck and you hear Rainpaw rushing over and Bravepaw and the tom fighting. As you black out, you murmur...
  11. CLIFFHANGER!!! (Don't kill me...)

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