USNW Democracy Index

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There are hundreds of nations all over the world, but not all are democracies. Some nations are pretty democratic, and their citizens enjoy many rights and privileges, while in others, the citizens have few freedoms, and are ruled by powerful dictators.

How democratic is YOUR nation? Do your people enjoy many freedoms, or do they live under an absolute dicatorship? Until now, there was no specific standard for Adonian nations. Now, thanks to this quiz, you will find out!

Created by: emperordaniel
  1. Are elections for the national legislature and head of government free? Consider whether elections are competitive in that electors are free to vote and are offered a range of choices
  2. Are elections for the national legislature and head of government fair?
  3. Are municipal elections both free and fair?
  4. Is there universal suffrage for all adults? Bar generally accepted exclusions (for example, non-nationals; criminals; members of the armed forces in some countries)
  5. Do laws provide for broadly equal campaigning opportunities?
  6. Are citizens free to form political parties that are independent of the government?
  7. Do opposition parties have a realistic prospect of achieving government?
  8. Is potential access to public office open to all citizens?
  9. Are citizens free to form political and civic organizations, free of state interference and surveillance?
  10. Do freely elected representatives determine government policy?
  11. Is the government free of undue influence by the military or the security forces?
  12. Foreign powers do not determine important government functions or policies.
  13. Do special economic, religious, or other powerful domestic groups exercise significant political power, parallel to democratic institutions?
  14. Does the government's authority extend over the full territory of the country?
  15. Is the functioning of government open and transparent, with sufficient public access to information?
  16. How pervasive is corruption?
  17. Is the civil service willing and capable of implementing government policy?
  18. Popular perceptions of the extent to which the citizens have free choice and control over their lives:
  19. Public confidence in government is:
  20. Public confidence in political parties is:
  21. Voter participation/turn-out for national elections (turnout as percentage of population of voting age):
  22. Do ethnic, religious, and other minorities have a reasonable degree of autonomy and voice in the political process?
  23. Percentage of members of the national legislature who are women
  24. The average citizen's involvement in politics is:
  25. The percentage of adults who are literate is:
  26. Extent to which adult population shows an interest in and follows politics in the news:
  27. Do the authorities make serious efforts to promote political participation?
  28. Perceptions of leadership; proportion of the population that desires a strong leader who bypasses the legislature and elections.
  29. Perceptions of military rule; Proportion of the population that would prefer rule by the military:
  30. Perceptions of technocracy; proportion of the population that would prefer rule by technocrats.
  31. Perception of democracy and public order; proportion of the population that believes democracy is not good at mantaining public order.
  32. Perception of democracy and the economic system; percentage of the population that believes that democracy benefits economic performance.
  33. Degree of popular support for democracy:
  34. Is there a strong tradition of the seperation of church and state?
  35. Is there free electronic media?
  36. Is there freedom of expression and protest (bar only generally accepted restrictions such as banning advocacy of violence)?
  37. Is media coverage robust? Is there open and free discussion of public issues, with a reasonable diversity of opinions?
  38. Are there political restrictions on access to the internet?
  39. Does the state use torture?
  40. The degree of religous tolerance and freedom of expression. Are all religions allowed to operate freely, or are some restricted? Is the right to worship permitted both publicly and privately? Do some religious groups feel intimidated by others, even though the law requires equality and protection?
  41. Are certain favored groups often spared prosecution under the law, or are all citizens treated equally?
  42. Do citizens enjoy basic security?
  43. What is the extent to which private property rights are protected, and to what level is private business free from undue government influence?
  44. What is the extent to which citizens enjoy personal freedoms? Consider gender equality, right to travel, choice of work and study.
  45. How prepared is the population to take part in lawful demonstrations?
  46. Popular perceptions on human rights protection; proportion of the population that thinks that basic human rights are well-protected.
  47. Is there any significant discrimination on the basis of people's race, color, or creed?
  48. Do you think this quiz was too long?

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