Update (music826)

This is just a brief update about my series.

This is just a brief update about my series.

Created by: music826

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Hello again! Well, my schedule is going to be completely full for the next few weeks and even up until the end of the school year, so I just wanted to say that updates probably won't be coming very often during that time. I'm still going to post, it's just a matter of finding the time. If I'm still finishing this story up during the summer (most likely), updates will be coming so often you'll want to use Avada Kedavra on me. Well, not quite (I hope). Anyway, I probably just wasted a few seconds of your time, but I didn't want to virtually disappear without warning, so I suppose that's all. :)
  2. I still can't figure out how to make short quizzes on this site, so I'm doomed to suffer through making twelve questions. Feel free to tell me the secret. *cue puppy dog eyes* Until such a time that someone takes pity on me, I'd like to send a few shout-outs again.
  3. hp4evr, I can't thank you enough for the support and ideas you have lent to me so willingly. You're an absolutely brilliant writer, and I sincerely hope to see more of your work in the future. For those of you who are reading this, you should check out her posts on Wattpad!
  4. liz_king97, you are the definition of awesome. Your crazy comments always make me smile and make it that much easier for me to post the next edition. I am still eagerly awaiting your next installment of "Hogwarts Forever" as well. :)
  5. mcqueen, you've been supporting writers on GTQ from the beginning. Whether or not you decide to write your own series (which in my opinion, you should), your quizzes always manage to make my day and I hope you continue to grace us all with your support and kindness.
  6. Thanks to all of the writers, Hogwarts and beyond, for making GTQ such a welcoming place to be. I'm always up for reading any work you might want me to read. :)
  7. Most of all, thanks to those of you that take my quizzes. I still expect the stats to stay at zero every time I post something, but you keep coming back for more, and it means a lot to know at least a few readers enjoy my work. I write for myself, but I post for you. :)
  8. Forget what I said before. I figured out how to make shorter quizzes. :)

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