uhhh can u take this quiz?

ello there guys i created this quiz becaue ei wa sbored to death now i have other quizez so u can go on dem as well but u know wht this one is da besst opne all of them no not really this one is flabbby

loooook im telling u to take this quiz and ur not taking it whts ur problem huh u want some beeff wid me? i will salp ur face! wassman iu told u to take this quiz!

Created by: kamilovski
  1. i hate cheese
  2. 6reujeruer
  3. u6zwrejz8uezyez
  4. tjneryki7696e7hw3
  5. u hat ethis quiz?
  6. ur probably askin 1to 4 questions are like this 7243t60729\6BT74
  8. i like jelly
  9. 123456789
  10. last question

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