Tomboy or girly girl (very accurate)

Are you a tomboy or are you a girly girl. I have taken every other quiz on here and I am a tomboy. What are you though? That may be why you take this quiz you don't know

Don't worry no matter what you get don't worry it's just a fun little quiz and this is just for you to find out what you ate if you already know that is okay too.

Created by: Quizmaker
  1. First of all what do you think you will get
  2. Dogs or cats
  3. Sports?
  4. Hats indoors?
  5. Do you like girly girls
  6. What are you doing after the quiz
  7. How long do you take to get ready
  8. Would you rather stay home or go to a restaurant
  9. Socks?
  10. How do you dress

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