Tips for Art :3

I hope this helped you. If you're not born with the talent of art, it takes time and patience to master it. Don't forget to tell me what else you need help with in the comments!

I hope this helped you. If you're not born with the talent of art,it takes time and patience to master it. Don't forget to tell me what else you need help with in the comments!

Created by: kittykit
  1. Drawing: Well, what I see a lot of people do when trying to draw a circle is that they try to do it a one stroke and not very lightly. Here's the problem with that; When you do it in one stroke your circle appears squiggly or dented.Even if you can draw a perfect circle in one stroke I advise you to you use multiple strokes (sketching). And don't forget to go light on your pencil!
  2. Drawing:Curves;In drawing you don't want some straight sort of curvy line. You want actual curving lines. If you can't draw curving lines, try pretend to draw a circle or an oval (Don't really draw the oval/circle. Just the part you need). Let's say you're drawing an arm. If you want you can draw a straight line to guide you. Then. at the top, pretend to draw the corner of a circle. Did you do it?
  3. Drawing;Guide-Lines: Need help placing your guide-lines? That's simple! If you need guide-lines for the face, look up a picture of someone's face. Simple! Then, put the guide-lines best as you can according to the picture.
  4. Drawing;The Head: First,draw a circle how I told you. Then, draw a guide-line a sixth above the bottom of the circle. Erase any lines that go out of the circle. Starting from the ends of the line, draw two CURVY intersecting lines. Erase the ends you don't need, then erase anything inside the face. If you did it right, you should have a face figure!
  5. I can't really write about shading. You'll need a video for that.
  6. Well, I forgot to mention, this part was only for Drawing. If you need help with anything in the drawing category,feel free to ask in the comments.
  7. Skip the rest.
  8. .
  9. .
  10. .

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