Time Less Love Part 9

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*READ THIS, READ THIS* Ok Just so you know my parents hogged the computer and that is why I didn't finish this sooner. If you have any questions about this quiz comment on it or Google it or I may E-mail you but don't post your E-mail in comment write a comment and we can arrange something. Also sorry if you couldn't find this quiz before hand the site was being an ass

*Drake the cute goth/emo looking one he's in all black with black hair over part of one of his eyes his is really shy, gray eyes *Adam he's Henry's fraternal twin(twins that don't look alike)huge ego, Adam's the sandy blond haired one with freckles that are just too adorable to not notice, he's the sporty one, blue eyes *Henry he's the fraternal twin of Adam(twins that don't look alike). Henry's the one with brown hair and dimples to die for, be careful around him and his brother, green eyes *Ethan he's the tall muscular, quiet, strong, and the smart one *Greg cute, sweet, and muscular, blackish brown hair and AWESOME smile *Noah quiet, smart, few inches shorter than you, wears glasses, and kinda rude

Created by: BlackandWhite
  1. Soon you feel the atmosphere change and you suddenly fall on something squishy you open your eyes to see you've land on the guys who are in a pile, and lucky you, you landed right on Ethan's butt. (Me: HAHA n_n Ethan"˜s butt), What are you thinking?
  2. You scramble off of Ethan blushing wildly, just as the bags fall on top of the boys, what do you think about that?
  3. As all the boys get up moaning, you look around. You're in what looks like a meadow like valley surrounded by high grey rock. It looks like you're inside a volcano, with trees hugging the base of the flattened land you're standing on. The grass is a deep, dark green, matching the leaves on the trees that you can barely make out due to the morning fog that seems to be swirling around the plants like it's a brilliant life form. What do you think of the valley?
  4. As you look around, you have to squint to see but you make out something large in the middle of the valley, what do you want it to be? (it's too large to be a person)
  5. "Hey _______,let's go" Ethan says to you as all the guys collect the bags, you pick up yours and the guys begin to head toward the figure you tried to make out. As you get closer you notice it's another castle it's not as big as the last one but still fairly sized. You all walk up the stairs with the bags dragging behind you. You all come to the door and Adam grabs the large brass knocker in the same of a lion's head and knocks. You all wait and soon you hear locks opening and you see a boy about the same age as all of you (about 14) open the door. He stares at all of you and begins to recognize all the guys "Hey Ethan, Drake," who he seems to recognize first, "What's going on?" the mystery boy asks. Ethan begins explaining your situation, leaving out the thing about Moral. "Come in then," he says stepping away from the door to let you all in. You how he looks, less muscular than Ethan, darker and shorter brown hair, and tanner skin. What do you think of him?
  6. As you walk by the mystery guy gives you a sweet, warm, welcoming smile, what are you thinking?
  7. The castle you walk into looks just like the one you were in; with the ancient artifacts except the banners and carpet are blue instead of red and have lions on them instead of phoenix. What do you think of your new place?
  8. You all head for the dinning room and when you get there you see a boy about 2 years younger than everyone else, about 12, sitting at the table typing pretty fast on a laptop. He seems to have his eyes glued to the screen. "Hello, Greg," he says not looking away from the screen, "who was at the door?" he asks. What are you thinking?
  9. See for yourself," Greg/mystery boy says moving out of the way so the kid at the table can see. The boy looks up and sees you and all the guys standing there with their bags. "Why are you here and with your bags none the less?" he asks turning back to the computer screen. "We need to stay here awhile Noah," Ethan says, he begins to explain the story before his is cut off. "Fine. Find an empty room, and stay out of mine, I don't care to listen to your sob stories and don"˜t touch my cran-apple juice," The kid at the computer says without look at all of you. What are you thinking?
  10. "Here, let me help you guys find rooms," Greg offers taking you bags. What do you think of Greg?
  11. You walk up a spiral staircase and Greg directs all of you to your new rooms You again end up getting one at the top of the tower. How do you feel about that?
  12. After awhile you settle into your new room and set it up the way you want it how is that?
  13. Soon you hear a knock on the door. You go and open it and see Henry. "Hey," he says, "I'm not sure you might want to do this now but would you like to go on that date to night. We never got to go, and I wanted to take your mind off of things and..." he trails off. "Sure why not," you say what are you thinking?
  14. You change into a different outfit for your date you look through what clothes you have in your bag there isn't too much that you like but what do you wear, what do you wear?
  15. You walk down stairs and see Henry he turns to you as you're coming down, "WoW," he says when he sees you. You both walk to the garage and see a line of different cars which one do you pick?
  16. You get in the car of your pick and with Henry in the driver's seat since he knows where you're going. You pull up to a medium sized building, there is multicolored lighting coming from the windows and you hear music playing you get out the car and Henry takes your hand and you go inside you see people dancing, flashing lights, a food court, and all kinds of other things. It's a dance club, what do you think?
  17. Whatever you do Henry takes your hand and leads you to the dance floor, what are you thinking?
  18. You begin to dance and realize you can really dance to this song, your have fun with Henry and it's going great. You lose yourself in the music and finally you feel someone take your hand and you see Henry. You look into his green eyes and you start to stare. He smiles at you and as you look in his eyes you notice how amazing they are, but there"˜s something strange about it, you brush it off it"˜s no big deal. "Let's get something to eat," he says tilting his head toward the food court. He leads you off the dance floor and get in line for food with Henry holding you hand. You soon get to the front since there was only two other couples in line so it moves fast and what do you order?
  19. You sit down and eat and make small talk with Henry who's nibbling on his fries. You both soon finish and decide to head home. He says he needs to go to the bathroom really quick and he leaves for a few minute, you begin to sit there a little longer that you'd like but whatever. He comes out and walks past you with out a word looking down like he doesn"˜t want to talk to you, like you"˜re a stranger. You run after him to the parking lot and he doesn't slow down to let you keep up. You both reach the car he won't look at you and he seems really focused and quiet. He opens his car door and gets in quickly not even offering to open your door for you. It's looks he nervous and jittery. You get in and quickly put on your seat belt. You glance over at Henry and he seems upset but desperately trying to calm down, what are you thinking?
  20. Henry starts the car and glances sideways over at you with blank eyes. It's unsettling but you try to seem calm. He drives off in the direction you came in. He's driving fast and something about his posture is off from before. He begins to slow down and turns down road that you don't recognize. It's a dirt road and in the middle of the forest. What's going through your mind?
  21. The ride is bumpy and you keep jerking in your seat. "What are you doing?" you ask angrily staring at him. He doesn't respond he doesn't even glance at you, he just stares forward driving like you're not even there. You drive for about 10 minutes and come to a clearing. He stops and takes the keys out of the ignition, he glances over to you and he looks pretty pissed. All you can do is stare at him. He grips the car keys in his hand so hard his knuckles are white. You look at his eyes and finally realize the look in them hollow and angry. In an instant you hear something land on the hood of the car. It sounds like a mountain goat had hit it. Your car door is ripped open and there stands Moral, smiling at you, with her violet dress, blond hair, and little crown, "Hello,______." And I'm sorry it's time for a cliffhanger. =( I know.

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