Tickle or Be Tickled By Alexis

Welcome to a quiz that will decide your fate involving a lot of tickling! You will either get tickled by or tickle Alexis! She loves tickling and is very ticklish!

Each question will affect the outcome of the quiz by the way. Hope you have fun being tickled or doing the tickling. Good luck with Alexis cause you'll need it!

Created by: Whatever
  1. How ticklish are you?
  2. Where is your tickle spot?
  3. Where would you like to tickle Alexis?
  4. Do you like to tickle or be tickled?
  5. (Imaginary situation) Alexis jumped on your legs and wants to tickle your feet!
  6. (Imaginary situation) Alexis is sleeping on the bed with a crop top, shorts, and no socks on. Where do you want to tickle her?
  7. What tickle tool do you like to use?
  8. What tickle tool do you like to be used on you?
  9. (Imaginary situation) Alexis has your feet in stocks and is tickling them with a hairbrush!
  10. (Imaginary situation) Alexis put her bare feet on your lap and is annoying you with them...
  11. What tickle spot is your favorite and get tickled in or tickle Alexis?
  12. (Imaginary situation) Alexis is sitting on your arms and is about to tickle your armpits, sides, and ribs!
  13. (Imaginary situation) You find Alexis lying on her belly under the bed sheets looking at her phone. She has her socked feet sticking out from under the bed sheets...
  14. (Imaginary situation) Alexis wants to play a tickle game! Which one do you play?
  15. (Continuation of last question) What will be the tickle penalty for the loser?
  16. How much do you like getting tickled?
  17. How much do you like tickling others?
  18. (Imaginary situation) Alexis jumped on your legs and pulled up your shirt! She's going to tickle your belly!
  19. (Imaginary situation) You tied Alexis to the the bed! She is completely vulnerable and you are about to tickle her, but where do you start?
  20. How would you like being tickled by Alexis?
  21. How long can you handle being tickled?
  22. How do you tickle others?
  23. How long do you tickle others
  24. (Imaginary situation) You and Alexis have a friend over, but they planned to tickle you! How will you escape?
  25. (Continuation of last question) Now you and your friend are going to tickle Alexis!
  26. Alexis gave you some choices to choose from for today, which one would you choose?
  27. The other end of the deal is you get to choose something that can benefit you for the next day, but which one would you choose?
  28. (Imaginary situation) Alexis is having a tickle fight with you, but she is tickling your sides and ribs! How do you get the upper hand?
  29. (Imaginary situation) You won the tickle fight! How do you punish Alexis?
  30. (Imaginary situation) Alexis won this time! Now she has to punish you!
  31. (Imaginary situation) Alexis wants to trap your feet in stocks and tickled them with a brush, but do you let her?
  32. (Imaginary situation) Alexis let's you tickle her but with a twist...
  33. (Imaginary situation) Now she does the same to you...
  34. If Alexis said she was going to tickle you everywhere, what tickle spot would you be concerned about?
  35. (Imaginary situation) You found Alexis being tickled by someone. What do you do?
  36. (Imaginary situation) Alexis forced you to choose something to do with her that involves tickles...
  37. (Imaginary situation) Alexis comes up behind you and puts her hands on your sides! She said you have to choose either your sides, ribs, or armpits for her to tickle before she starts tickling all three!
  38. (Imaginary situation) Alexis came back from a long walk and is exhausted. She lies down beside you on the couch. What do you do?
  39. What would tickle you more?
  40. Did you like tickling or being tickled by Alexis?

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