This Quiz has random questions about stuff!

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This quiz is a fun trivia quiz! It is pretty hard, so take it carefully! If you want a true answer,don't cheat and look up the answers. So, have fun, and learn something!

You're guaranteed to learn something from this quiz! When you're done taking, please click to see the answers (Unless you got a 100, which probably won't happen)to see what you got wrong and learn something new!

Created by: thestralblade

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. LANGUAGE: What is "free" in Icelandic?
  2. SCIENCE: Which of these animals is NOT endangered?
  3. MATH: Solve this- 24= 12a (This is equations 6th grade math)
  4. SOCIAL STUDIES:What years were the Great Depression?
  5. LANGUAGE ARTS: What root word means "death"?
  6. LANGUAGE: What language dos this word come from? "Sveiki"
  7. SCIENCE: What cell part stores food?
  8. MATH: Name the formula for the volume of a cylinder.
  9. SOCIAL STUDIES: What country was Albert Einstein born in?
  10. LANGUAGE ARTS: Which of these words is spelled wrong?

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