Therian quiz not 100% accurate

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Hello! I'm galaxy my theriotype is a dalmation mixed with a silver fox💝Just know you can't chose to be a therian🧝‍♀️therian are not furry💫💖

Therians are a identity and not a hobby this quiz will be if you are a therian⚠UNACCURATE⚠Please still do your research thank you and i hope that you enjoy the quiz🥰

Created by: Galaxy
  1. Do you gets shifts?Mental shiftOr physical shifts
  2. Have you eve4y had a past life
  3. What are you most connected to?
  4. What would you eat?
  5. Do you think you need gear to be a therian
  6. Do you need to do quads to be therian?
  7. Do you have to have one theriotype
  8. Have you ever had a connection to animals?
  9. Which color
  10. Have you every done any animal like things

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