ThePakGenius Quiz

There are many smart people but few true genius , genius is after all quite exeptional. what is geniud a genius is someoneThere are many smart people but few true genius , genius is after all quite exeptional. what is geniud a genius is someone

There are many smart people but few true geniusThere are many smart people but few true genius , genius is after all quite exeptional. what is geniud a genius is someone

Created by: Ejaz
  1. C E H _ Q W
  2. E H K N Q
  3. C F J _ U
  4. BA FE JI _ RQ
  5. B D G K _ V
  6. AD BF CH _ EL
  8. A G M _ Y
  9. D F I M R _
  10. AC EG _ MO QS

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