The Yes or No Quiz

Is the glass half empty or half full? Empty? Full? Yes or No? This quiz is just about seeing if you're like me... would I say Yes or No to these questions? Hmmm...

Would you say Yes? Or No? Would you answer like I would? But I wouldn't answer... Cuz it's my quiz... and that'd be cheating... And I don't cheat! Soo, take this quiz and find out :D

Created by: Ali

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you like music?
  2. Do you like Taylor Swift?
  3. Do you like strawberry icecream?
  4. Do you hate duck-face?
  5. Do you like parkour?
  6. Do you like spiders?
  7. Do you live in NYC?
  8. Do you like swimming?
  9. Do you hate cheerleaders?
  10. Is there this one person you know that needs a high five... in the face... with a brick... then a hammer?
  11. Do you like red?
  12. Do you hate smokers?
  13. Do you like stripes?
  14. Do you hate spring?
  15. Do you hate snow?
  16. Do you like clicking random buttons :D Even though later you get in trouble cuz ya jack something up :P
  17. Do you own an iPod? (4th gen & up)
  18. Do you like the 20 Questions Game?
  19. Once there was a guy who needed 99 peices of wood to repair his house. He goes to the store and yells cuz they make him pay for the extra one he doesn't need in the 100pk. He ends up paying for it and later, since he doesn't need it, throws it in the woods... Cool story?
  20. Do you like chocolate bars?
  21. Oh, and if you said yes to Q18 then guess what! We're past 20 :P I'm cool, right?
  22. Do you like The Hunger Games?
  23. Do you like Harry Potter?
  24. There's two guys... Guy 1's name is Jim. Guy 2's name is Bob. Do you like those names?
  25. 12-15 years old?
  26. 16+ years old?
  27. Jim owns a dog... Bob owns a radio... cool items, huh?
  28. Is this quiz cool?
  29. Too many questions?
  30. Jim and Bob live in the woods. Jim's dog barks too much/loudly and Bob's radio is alwas on full volume. Jim says that if Bob doesn't turn his radio down, he'll throw it out into the woods and Bob says that if Jim's dog doesn't shutup then he'll throw the dog into the woods.The dog barks, the music plays, both are thrown out the window. The dog comes back, with what in his hands???
  31. The.... PEICE OF WOOD FROM QUESTION 19!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  32. Are you sad?

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