The Worlds Hardest Quiz!

Thank you thank you for trying prabobly ALL failed! MWAHAHAHA Anyways good job for all you peeps lol, what else can i say. Actually I do its about time i tell you. *Drum role* Nothing!

And btw nothing.Hope you try again and try to get better percent...Or close the window and never come again WWAAIITTT i didnt mean it geez lol, k nothing else to say.Well now i have to....... I think.. Byee!

Created by: Brandon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Ok heres the hardest quiz you will ever see.
  2. Choose one
  3. So far how hard is it
  4. Choose one
  5. You just got tricked!
  6. What is your name?
  7. What is your moms name?
  8. I farted
  9. Family Guy
  10. Im Gay
  11. How was it

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