The werebeasts chronicles! Part 1: How much of a Werewolf are you

This is a new test/quiz i created. Its all about the different werebeasts people change into today.The first part of werebeasts chronicles, is the werewolf. Did you know that there are 4 types werewolves? Which type are you? Take this test and find out! If the first part is liked by you people out there, then i will make part 2, the Werecats! But i need to know whether to make part 2 or not. Please comment telling me whether i should make part 2: Werecats!

For now, part 1 is only concentrating on werewolves and werewolves only! There are 4 types of werewolves, are you any one of them? If your percentage is high then yes, if low then probably not. So take this test and find out whether you a werewolf or not and if you are, which type are you? Remember to comment telling me whether i should make part 2: Werecats!!!

Created by: Kish
  1. Alright, the question you hate answering and the question i hate asking, what's your favourite colour?
  2. Do seem to want to eat meat more than usual?
  3. Do you dream of werewolves or normal wolves?
  4. How hairy are you? (dont look in parts that are not concerned just the arms and the legs!)
  5. Do you want to become a werewolf?
  6. Which of these werebeasts would you prefer to become?
  7. Do you have better eyesight than others?
  8. Can you hear better than others?
  9. Do you have a keen sense of smell better than others?
  10. Do you think werewolves exist?
  11. What type of werewolf do you think you are?

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Quiz topic: The werebeasts chronicles! Part 1: How much of a Werewolf am I