The Unforgiven and Unforgotten part 13

Hola everybody and I grant you another part of my series The Unforgiven and Unforgotten. I hope you guys enjoy this part and let me know what you think in the comments

Shane has light brown hair, emerald green eyes, lean muscles and a hot body, his smile is to die for and he's a vampire. Drake is more antisocial and mysterious with his dark brown hair with natural blonde highlights, icy blue eyes, he's tan and has a sexy body, his voice is deep yet sexy, he wears to military dog tags around his neck, he's a werewolf. Omar is the smart but funny one of the group with his dirty blonde hair, bright amber eyes, perfect muscles, and he's an Immortal with powers. Aaron is sort of the leader type with his coal black hair, gorgeous golden eyes, fit body and lean muscles, and dimples. He's also a Fallen Angel. Jayden is the sarcastic one with his dark brown hair and red highlights at the tip that sometimes covers his eyes, light purple eyes, fit body and muscles.

Created by: Cometlight
  1. "Okay moving on, so Shane can you do it?" Omar asked and then all eyes were laid on Shane. Shane sighed and flexed his shoulder. "Let's do this." He said and rubbed his hands together. Omar nodded and trotted over to a shelf he grabbed a square shaped vial labeled anesthesia and a small machine with an oxygen mask at the end of it. He poured the anesthesia into a container in the machine and plugged the machine in, the machine shook and then small a small noise that's hard to describe. Omar placed the oxygen mask over Aaron's mouth and then gas started to slowly pour out and Aaron started inhaling it with every breath he took. After a few minutes curiosity got the best of me. "Isn't that enough anesthesia already?" I asked. The guys all looked at each other and all gave a head shake. "Nah." They all said at the same time then the room was filled with awkward silence when Omar finally spoke up. "Alright Shane we should start now." Shane nodded simply and cracked his knuckles. "Let's get this over with." Shane said and stood beside Aaron, Omar removed the oxygen mask and turned off the machine. Shane looked like he was about the start when he suddenly turned towards me. "You might not want to see this___________so you should go. Jayden, Drake take her somewhere else." Shane said and motioned his head towards the door.
  2. I shook my head and stood my ground. "No there's no way I'm going." I stated and leaned against the wall. Shane cocked an eyebrow and smirked. "Are you sure?" He asked with sarcasm and then I heard a sickening crack as he snapped Aaron's rib bone back into place. "Okay I'm going now." I said and trotted out the door. "You know I think I'll go as well." Omar said and followed me out the door, by the sound of his voice it sounded like he was sick to his stomach. I continued on walking when I then remembered something, Starfire was still under the lab bed! How could I be so stupid and forget about her. I gave myself a mental slap and said inside my head. -Starfire lay low under the bed and don't make a sound. I don't want the guys to know about you, not right now- -Okay__________no problem- Starfire replied happily in my head when another voice appeared in my head. -Who's Starfire?- I instantly knew that it was Jayden. -None of your business Jayden now get out of my head- I snapped at him in my head and gave him a side glare since he was walking behind me. At the corner of my eye I could see a sly grin appear on Jayden's face. -Why should I?- Jayden asked in my head. -Because I said so- I snapped back. -Like you can make me- Jayden retorted and laughed softly inside in my head. Then just like Starfire she butted into the argument. -Leave my master alone- I heard her childish voice say in my head. -I'm guessing your Starfire, so tell me who exactly are you?- Jayden asked in my head. I sighed and rolled my eyes. -Starfire don't listen to him and you mister get out of my head. Now- I said in my head. -I rather not your mind is quite interesting___________- Jayden replied and chuckled inside my head. I swear to god I feel like I want to strangle Jayden right now, then an idea popped into my head. I then began to think of things that I would do to Jayden if he doesn't get out of my head. -Alright alright I'm going, sheesh no need to think about any of that- Jayden said and I could no longer hear his voice. I smiled to myself and I noticed that Jayden was starting to walk slower and was now behind Drake
  3. We all walked into the living room with Drake sitting on the leather arm chair, Omar on the couch, and Jayden on the floor with his head cushioned by another leather chair behind him. I decided to sit on the leather chair that was cushioning Jayden's head. I lightly tapped his head with my shoe, Jayden clicked his tongue and hit my shoe. I giggled and Omar smiled while Drake shook his head but I could see a small smile on his face. Omar then clapped his hands together and spoke up. "Alright so I'm guessing______ that you want to know about what has happened so far." I nodded and laid down with my head on one armrest and my legs on the other armrest. Jayden then instantly stood up. "Wait is it big reveal time? Yeah alright I'm going to get some popcorn, don't start without me." Jayden said in a hurry and raced out towards the kitchen. I couldn't help but laugh and shake my head, one minute Jayden is annoying the hell out of me and the next he's funny and wants to get popcorn for revealing time. Yup that proves it Jayden is definitely one of a kind and if he isn't then I feel bad for whoever has somebody like him close by. Drake sighed and grabbed his notebook from under the chair he was sitting on and began to write something in it. Omar smiled he stood up and raced after Jayden. "Hey don't eat all of it Jayden." Omar told him and trotted into the kitchen. I sighed and looked up at the ceiling while Drake was just writing in his notebook. I don't know why but everytime I'm in the same room as Drake he's always quiet and hardly ever talks. I turned my head towards Drake and gave him my angelic smile. "So Drake what are you doing?" I asked trying to strike up a conversation with this guy for once. Drake looked up and shrugged. "Just writing some lyrics." He said simply. I nodded and fidgeted for awhile until I looked at Drake again. "Can I see the lyrics?" I asked innocently and smiled, Drake looked up as he stopped writing and shook his head. "Nope it's a surprise." Drake replied and smiled lightly. "Aw come on let me it, please?" I asked nicely. Drake smiled and shook his head. "Like I said no sorry___________." I sighed and rolled my eyes as I pouted and looked away. I could hear Drake chuckle. "Don't be like that__________." He said softly but what he doesn't know was that I was slowly and carefully using my Telekinesis to get his notebook. The notebook slipped out of his grasp and into the air. Drake raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Very funny_________." He said sarcastically and reached up for the notebook but I raised it up higher and out of his reach. "Oh so you want to play like that. Alright then." Drake said with a sly smirk on his face and stood up. He then started walking over to me. "No don't you dare Drake. I know what your thinking." I said but then Drake lifted me up easily like a sack of potatoes and tossed me onto the couch. Drake then got on top of me and pinned my hands down above my head, his face was inches away from mine and I could feel his warm breath on me. I lost concentration on my Telekinesis and the notebook fell onto the floor. Drake smirked and got off of me. "I knew that would work." He said and smiled as he stood up and grabbed his notebook.
  4. Drake then sat back down on the leather and acted like nothing ever happened as Omar and Jayden entered the living room with two large bowls filled to the top with popcorn. I laughed as I sat up and leaned my head against the armrest of the couch. Omar and Jayden smiled as Jayden replied. "Yeah buddy." He then sat down on the chair I was sitting on before and started at Omar to start. Omar sat down beside me and placed the popcorn in between us, probably if I wanted some. Omar cleared his throat and looked at me with his bright amber eyes. "Alright__________well hm where to start?" He asked himself as he was lost for words. I sighed and grabbed a piece of popcorn and threw it at his head. Omar blinked his eyes and looked at me. I looked away and tried not to smile. "It wasn't me it was Jayden." I said and pointed at Jayden. Jayden just shrugged and continued on eating his popcorn, Omar smiled and grabbed a handful of popcorn. "Sure anyways what I was trying to say was that maybe I should start with Mason." I grew tense as soon Omar mentioned his name, yeah sure he's hot and all but he's evil and he creeps me out. I also noticed Drake's hands turn into a fist and Jayden had a small fire amount of fire in his eyes. "I'm sure you pretty much figured out that Mason is a vampire, he's the leader of the dark side and is power-hungry. He'll do anything to win the war against the light side and that's why he's looking for you. You have a hidden power that we still haven't figured out yet but we know that if either side get's a hold of you and uses your power that side would win the war. Mason isn't the only one there's another and his name is Luka. He's the leader of the light side but he's not as bad as Mason, although he is power-hungry as well. Both of them will destroy anything in their path to get to you___________." Omar said and ate the handful of popcorn after he finished. "But why me?" I asked even though I already knew the answer since Delgado told me but I wanted to see what they're side is. "Well we found out that long ago there was a third colony known as the Neutral or the Ortu Cinis, the Ortu Cinis's had two rulers which were actually a God and a Goddess. They're names were Klaus and Crescita they had a daughter but no one remembers her name as the gods never said a word. A few months after Klaus and Crescita were found murdered at the border that separates the dark side or Quelli Senz'anima from the Ortu Cinis. The guards raced off towards the castle but when they burst into the nursery the God's baby was nowhere to be found. No one knows what happened to her some think she was killed and some think she was kidnapped, but we soon found out that one of the guard Hellhound found out what happened before anyone else knew and took you from the castle. He brought you here to the mortal world and left you at the doorstep of your foster parents. When you disappeared the Ortu Cinis soon died down as the war broke out and the Ortu Cinis beings were forced to either join the Quelli Senz'anima or the light side/Gli Illuminati." Omar said and looked at me to see my reaction
  5. I stood there awestruck as I never expected any of that, Delgado told me a few things that were similar but nothing like that. I found my voice and looked at the guys. "Did you guys find out what Hellhound took me from the castle?" I asked although I had an idea in my head on who it was. Omar sighed and looked at Jayden and Drake. "Mind taking it from here?" He asked. Drake and Jayden both nodded, Omar gave a gentle nod and laid back as he grabbed another handful of popcorn and began to eat. Drake sat up and stared at me with his icy blue eyes. "We did and it was the head guard who was known as-." "Delgado." I whispered but somehow Jayden and the other guys heard me. Jayden stopped eating his popcorn and looked at me with one of his eyebrows raised. "Wait how is it possible that you know about Delgado,_____________?" He asked and looked at me with curiosity. Uh oh I had already said too much. I sighed and looked up at the ceiling as I didn't want to say. Omar gave me a gentle nudge. "___________is there something your not telling us?" He asked softly. I bit my lip and continued on looking up at the ceiling as I sighed and decided now would probably be a good time to tell them everything about Delgado. My mind then trialed off to when Delgado first visited me. He said that if I told them too soon that I would regret it. I closed my eyes and exhaled quietly. "I can't tell you guys at least not yet." I said just above a whisper. "___________you have to tell us." Drake said softly. I shook my head with my eyes still closed. "I can't I promised him that I wouldn't until the time is right." I replied softly. "Guys just leave her alone. If she doesn't want to talk then she doesn't want to talk." A voice said gently. I opened my eyes and raised my head to see that it was Shane.
  6. Shane was standing at the doorway as if he had been there the entire time, I gave him a look that said 'thank you.' I'm guessing that he got the message because he gave me a small nod in return. Jayden chucked a handful of popcorn at Shane right in the face. "Thanks for ruining the suspense Shane. Partypooper." Jayden muttered the last part and I smiled lightly. I then decided to change the subject. "So Jayden what's this I heard about you and Drake being brothers?" I asked slyly and looked from Drake to Jayden. Drake groaned and Jayden just smirked as he ate some popcorn, he then chucked some popcorn at Drake. "Aw come on bro don't be like that." Jayden teased Drake and smiled. Drake smirked and narrowed his eyes. "Who said I was." Drake said and threw his notebook at Jayden. The notebook hit Jayden right on the chest, Jayden looked at the spot where the notebook hit him. A sly grin then appeared on his face. "Oh it's on now." Jayden said and stood him, he ran over to Drake and dumped the popcorn bowl over his head. Drake was covered in popcorn mostly on his head which blended in with his blonde highlights. He shook the popcorn off and smiled at Jayden he then tackled him down. Everyone started laughing while Drake and Jayden wrestled on the floors, after a few minutes Jayden had Drake in a headlock and was sitting on his back. "Ah look little Drakie is getting beat by his little brother." Jayden taunted. Drake grunted and then chuckled. "That's what you think." He said simply and grabbed Jayden's shoulders. He flipped him over making Jayden land on his back. Drake stood up and shook himself out he cracked his neck and waited for Jayden to get up. Jayden growled and stood up quickly with inhuman speed. He rammed himself towards Drake and headbutted him in the stomach, Drake hit his back on the wall and then kneed him in the stomach. Jayden grunted and stood up. "Alright I give." He panted and sat down on the chair he was sitting down on before
  7. "Answer the question you two." I said after they finished they're little 'play fight'. Jayden sighed and rubbed his hands together. "Alright we're not true blood brothers, we're step-brothers." Jayden said and looked towards Drake. Drake exhaled sharply and leaned against the wall. "Basically my mom cheated on my dad with a vampire who is Jayden's dad. My dad left us soon making Jayden's dad my dad also." Drake explained, Jayden then spoke up. "Since Drake's mom was a werewolf and my dad was a vampire. I'm a hybrid so I'm a werewolf/vampire. I can shift whenever I want and I'm not forced to shift on the full moon unlike Drake. My cravings for blood are lowered so that I don't need to drink blood that much unlike regular vampires like Shane for instance." Jayden said softly and looked down at the ground. Drake bit his lip and rubbed his neck. "I'm forced to shift on the full moon cause there's an old curse that goes back 5,000yrs ago. The curse says that vampires are slaves to the sun and werewolves are servants to the moon. Jayden isn't bond to the curse since he's a hybrid and the curse doesn't qualify for hybrids so he's not forced to shift." Drake said softly. I realized that that's the longest I've ever heard Drake say a thing. I nodded as I finally understood I turned my head when I heard clapping and saw that it was Omar. "Great job you guys this is the best movie that I have ever seen." Omar said with a smile on his face. Drake looked like he wanted to rip Omar's head off, Jayden looked like he was about to fall on the floor laughing like crazy, and Shane was in between Drake and Jayden's actions. I crossed my arms and sat back on the couch. "So is there anything else I need to now?" I asked and looked at all the guys. They all looked at each other and Shane spoke up. "Yup you need to start training. We've noticed that you learned a little bit on your own but you still need training. Drake will train you on Thermokinesis and Telekinesis, Omar will train you on Shapeshifting and Touch of Death, I will train you on Enhanced Senses, and Aaron was suppose to train you on self defense but I guess Jayden can take his place." Shane explained and I nodded. "Wait what about Dream Leaping?" I asked since Shane didn't mention it. Shane sighed and rubbed his eyes. "That one would be hard since none of us have that power and we don't quite know how it works." Shane said softly, I nodded and replied with an. "Oh....." Jayden then spoke up. "Self defense huh now I get to fight you______________." Jayden said and smirked. I narrowed my eyes and then looked at Omar. "Omar can you hand me that pillow?" I asked innocently and sweetly. Omar raised and eyebrow and shrugged. He reached over and handed me the pillow. I smiled and thanked him I then walked over to Jayden and began to playfully suffocate him with the pillow. He began to struggle and say words but they were muffled by the pillow. Shane and Omar began to holler in laughter and say things like. "Oh Jayden get beat by a girl." "Not so tough now are you Jay?" And so on. Drake was just leaning against the wall and smiling as if he was enjoying his brother getting beat
  8. I lifted the pillow up and jumped back onto the couch beside Omar, Jayden lifted his head up and looked at me. "Not cool." He said and got up. He was about to walk over to me when his feet suddenly froze in place in ice. Jayden struggled and struggled but he couldn't lift his feet out. Omar then looked at me and winked. "Like I'm going to let him get even with you." He said and laughed. Omar and I gave each other a high five and laughed at Jayden's attempts to get out along with Drake and Shane. I then yawned and started to feel sleepy. I laid my head on Omar's shoulder and closed my eyes but I asked one last question that was on my mind. "Guys can I ask you a question?" I asked with my eyes still closed. "Sure." They all said together. "Where's White Fang?" I asked drowsily and yawned again. "Uhhh....." Shane stuttered and his voice trailed off. I was too sleepy to stay awake any longer as I soon fell asleep on Omar's shoulder with the question still floating inside my mind. My mind was then enveloped in darkness as I was dragged into a dream. I was soon surrounded by nothingness and looked around I sighed as I knew where this was going. "Hello my child." I heard a deep and wise voice say. I turned around to see Delgado. "I knew it was you Delgado and I found something out about you." I said simply. Delgado cocked his head to the side. "Oh did you now what was it?" He asked with a sly smirk. "That you took my when I was baby after my parents Klaus and Crescita were murdered and brought me to the mortal world."I said and glared at Delgado. Delgado sighed and looked down at the ground. "I admit it all of that is true but I did it only to protect you child. The Quelli Senz'anima were on the way to take you as they caught word of the incident. I had to react fast and doing what I did was the first thought that came to mind, but no matter that's not what I'm here for. I'm here to train you on your power known as Dream Leaping. None of your protectors can teach you so I might as well, besides I am the one that gave you that power." Delgado said and smiled. "Wait you gave me the power of Dream Leaping?" I asked. Delgado nodded and flicked his fireball. "Now come my child you have much to learn in very little time." Delgado ordered and trotted off into the darkness. I looked around and shrugged since I had no other choice, I followed Delgado and stood close to him so I wouldn't get lost in this emptiness.
  9. I shielded my eyes as a bright light appeared and I didn't want to go blind, but then again this is a dream. Oh well. I continued on following Delgado which was pretty easy since he's pure black with red and I'm surrounded by light. After a few seconds the light disappeared and I was standing in a meadow that was filled with life. There was a nearby creak that had salmon and trout leaping out of the water now and then, birds sang and flew around while the trees rustled and the wind blew gently. Delgado stepped in front of me making me start paying attention. "Now young one Dream Leaping is basically the power of entering the dreams of those you wish and controlling them. It's what I am doing right now it may seem easy but it's not. It takes full concentration and no interruptions at all. Now sit and clear your mind of all your thoughts and troubles." Delgado instructed and began to circle around me. I sighed softly and sat down on the ground criss cross applesauce style. I closed my eyes and exhaled deeply, I tried to clear my mind but it was no use. Thoughts kept coming into my head and questions as well. What happened to White Fang? How would I have turned out if my real parents weren't killed? Is Mason or Luka coming after me? Which one of the guys am I falling? Oh wait hold on that last one just appeared out of nowhere. Delgado chuckled and shook his head. "Your not trying young one. Your mind is wandering wanting answers that no one will answer, your seeking for something that you don't know what yet. I will tell you everything I know but first you must clear your mind and achieve this power." Delgado said deeply but gentle at the same time. I nodded and flexed my fingers. "Concentrate on your breathing try to feel everything around you. Bond with the earth as one and let your body be free and you mind as well." Delgado said softly and I could his fur brush against me. I nodded again and took a deep breath, I exhaled deeply and began to relax. I felt my hands move down towards the grass and I grabbed the dirt. I slowly breathed in and out and began to listen to my surroundings. The trickle of the water, the splashes of this fish, the beating of the bird's wings, and the motions of the trees and wind. When I listened carefully they all seemed to be one as if they were creating a soothing song that hardly anyone notices as we never bother to listen. I could also feel the earth breathe beneath me as if it had a heartbeat. "Now child think about the person who you want to enter their dreams and I will instruct you from there." Delgado said softly. I flinched as his voice startled me cause I was so relaxed but I didn't lose concentration. I then began to think about who's dream to enter
  10. I chose Aaron because he hasn't woken up and I want to know what's going on with him, and how he got hurt. I began to focus mainly on Aaron a few seconds later I felt butterflys in my stomach and my skin began to tingle. "This is just the basics child you are starting to enter the person of you choice's dream. I will guide you through everything but don't get off track as things can go wrong if you don't concentrate enough." Delgado explained. I nodded and flexed my shoulders as I opened my eyes. My skin began to tingle more and I started to get goosebumps all over my arms, but I didn't lose concentration. Everything around me began to twirl and swirl as I was starting to transport into Aaron's dream. A few seconds later Delgado and I were on a mountain top and at the ledge was Aaron battling off a Raven and Kitsune. "Delgado what's going on?" I asked as I watched Aaron. "Child have you ever seen when a doctor can no longer help it's patient and tells the family that it's no longer their battle it's the patients battle now?" Delgado asked as he looked at me with his glassy silver eyes. "Yeah why?" I asked and watched Aaron as he was close to falling off the edge of the mountain. I could see that he was desperately tired and was close to giving up but something was making him keep going. "Well my child this is what they mean. When somebody get's badly injured and doesn't wake up for a matter of days they stay locked up inside their mind and battle for their life. Depending on how badly they are wounded on the outside depends on how many battles they have. If they win they're battles they will survive and recover if they lose they're battles they die." Delgado said with no expressions in his voice or on his face. I shuddered and shivers traveled up my spine. "Is there anyway I can stop this Delgado?" I asked as I couldn't bare to see Aaron like this. Delgado looked down at the ground and sighed. "We can give him a brake to recover for his future battles but it will require a large amount of energy and concentration." "Yes please Delgado anything to stop this." I said desperately. Delgado nodded and exhaled sharply he narrowed his eyes and stared at Aaron. I flexed my fingers and began to concentrate on Aaron. "Child call him now before it's too late." Delgado said rapidly. "Aaron!" I screamed. Aaron then stopped fighting and looked at me. "_____________?" He whispered and then the Kitsune rammed itself into Aaron knocking him over the cliff. "No!" I screamed but then my surroundings began to swirl again. I regained my composure and took a deep breath although I was afraid for Aaron. I was then back in complete darkness but Aaron was right beside him. Aaron looked at himself then at me. "____________is that really you?"Aaron asked with hope in his voice. A tear trickled down from my eye and onto my cheek. "Yeah." I said softly and hugged Aaron. I began to cry as I wrapped my arms around his neck, I cried into his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around my waist and gave me a reassuring hug. "Shh it's going to be okay____________I promise you it's going to be okay." Aaron whispered softly into my ear as I sobbed. "What happened to you?" I asked after I finally managed to stop crying
  11. "I-I don't know___________at first I lost control of my wings and then I felt a burning sensation inside of me. The next thing I knew I was falling towards the ground." Aaron explained as he released me from the hug. He wiped the remaining tear away from my face with his thumb and smiled at me with those dimples that always get to me in a cute way. "How have the guys been treating you? If they've done anything I swear I will rip them apart once I wake up." Aaron threatened but I could tell that he was kidding because he was smiling. "Fine they're treating me just fine and they brought Jayden back." I said. Aaron's face lightened even more as I mentioned Jayden. "Finally my homeboy is back, thanks___________. I promise I won't stop fighting until I wake up and remember I'm doing all of this for you." Aaron said with determination in his eyes. He touched my cheek softly and then kissed me on the nose. He leaned his forehead against mine and I looked into his gorgeous memorizing golden eyes. My heart began to race and the butterflys in my stomach were starting to get out of control. I tried to pry away from his intense gaze but I couldn't look away, I finally gained control of myself and sighed softly. "I better get going Aaron." I said softly but Aaron didn't even blink he just continued on staring at me with those gleaming golden eyes. I tried to turn around but Aaron's arms were wrapped around my waist tight. I couldn't tell if he was angry or anticipated. I could feel my heart pounding against his rapidly, I looked into his intense golden stare but his eyes had turned gentle and loving. Then Aaron's lips met mine, his lips were gentle and tender which is surprising to come from Aaron. The kiss was lingering and deliberate I could have kissed all day if it wasn't for Delgado who interrupted by clearing his throat. Aaron looked at narrowed his eyes at Delgado but he then looked at me and his eyes turned gentle. He cupped my face into his hands and smiled. "Promise me______________if I don't wake up by tomorrow afternoon that you'll come and visit me." Aaron said softly as he stared at me with his intense golden eyes. I nodded and smiled lightly. "I promise." I whispered and then I took a step back. Delgado trotted over to me and stood in front of me. "Time to go child." He growled and glared at Aaron. Aaron glared back at Delgado but he looked at me and smiled lightly with his adorable dimples. He then disappeared in a blink of an eye.
  12. And there you have it. Come back next time for the next part and now the important question. Who do you like so far?

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