The Ultimate Warrior Cat Quiz

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Welcome to The Ultimate Warrior Cat Quiz!! This is the Ultimate Warrior cat quiz so be very careful. Now you should only take this quiz if you have read almost ALL the warrior cat books because I don't want to give spoilers to those who have not read almost ALL the books (That includes some Super Additions)

Do you truly know warrior cats? Well find out right here right now!! Note we will start off with easy questions then get harder ok? Ok! Let's get started!!!!!! XD

Created by: CalicoCat
  1. What was FireStar's kitty pet name?
  2. Who was FireStar's best friend as a kitty pet?
  3. Who was FirePaw's mentor?
  4. What is FirePaw's warrior name?
  5. Who were FirePaw's two friends?
  6. Which cat attacks Firestar when he first comes to ThunderClan?
  7. Which of these cats is Firestar's kin?
  8. What were the names of the three ShadowClan kits that Birchkit played with on the Great Journey?
  9. Which of these animals have not been encountered by the Clans?
  10. Who is Breezepelt's mother?
  11. Going clockwise, starting where the twelve would be on a clock, what is the order of the clan territories around the lake according to the map in the books.
  12. Who delivers the Power of Three prophecy?
  13. Name a SkyClan cat.
  14. Which three cats were named warriors during and right after the Great Journey?
  15. Which of these cats is not real?
  16. StarClan didn't grant Nightstar nine lives because_________________________.
  17. What season were Hollypaw, Jaypaw, and Lionpaw born in?
  18. How did Firestar lose his first life?
  19. List the apprentices that Firestar has trained in the past.
  20. How many cats went on the journey to find what was blocking the stream?
  21. What killed Flametail?
  22. Who was killed in the ShadowClan vs. ThunderClan battle in Fading Echoes?
  23. Who is/are Ivypaw's mentor(s)?
  24. Who tried to drown Ivypaw?
  25. What was Ivypaw's final assessment in the Dark Forest?
  26. Did you like this quiz? (Will not effect score)
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  28. Will you comment? (Will not effect score)

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