The ultimate Metacrtitic for Anime quiz

As we all know, MyAnimeList is a hellish place, mainly for its forum posters and 65% of the "reviewers" here. That is why this club is here: to be a beacon in the darkness.

You, who I assume is part of this club, are here taking this quiz now, so I ask: how well do you know Metacritic for Anime? The gates open; good lick, dear warrior.

Created by: Francis
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When was this hellhole constructed?
  2. How many reviews has Momo made?
  3. Which anime should have a lower rating here?
  4. Name a review badass
  5. How many anime have we currently aggregated?
  6. How many of those have a green score?
  7. Which of these guys are or have ever been panelists?
  8. Who created this tumor's discord?
  9. Name the outspoken Lain fan(s)
  10. Who isn't one of the first 15 members?
  11. Name the reds and their current scores
  12. What is this cesspool an anime centric version of?
  13. What is our purpose?

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