The ultimate Liberal/Conservative test | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz The ultimate Liberal/Conservative test.

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  • This is a juvenile and ignorant take on conservative thought.

    just a little research is all it takes to find real conservative beliefs.

    keep drinking the koolaid... sleepwalker.

  • "You score 86% see below for explanation"

    "Yo u are a hard-core Liberal.You are one of the good guys, fighting against the forces of evil. God gave you a brain,and you are using it. You are a rational person, who reasons logically."

    Actu ally, genius, I'm a right-social libertarian. Shows what you know.

    "You don't see the world as black and white. You have the sense to know that there are gray areas"

    You got that right. Your quiz would benefit from that realization.

    "Th is world NEEDS more people like you. If everyone were like you, we wouldn't need to go to heaven, because we'd already be there."

    Thank you, thank you. Don't worry my liberal friend. One day FDR and Woodrow Wilson's controlled corporatist economy will fall and the reign of the individualist entrepreneur will come. One day the black and gold flag of anarcho-capitalism will fly over an America free of the Democrat/Republican /Corporate plutocracy and it will be like heaven.


  • "You score 86% see below for explanation"

    "Yo u are a hard-core Liberal.You are one of the good guys, fighting against the forces of evil. God gave you a brain,and you are using it. You are a rational person, who reasons logically."

    Actu ally, genius, I'm a right-social libertarian. Shows what you know.

    "You don't see the world as black and white. You have the sense to know that there are gray areas"

    You got that right. Your quiz would benefit from that realization.

    "Th is world NEEDS more people like you. If everyone were like you, we wouldn't need to go to heaven, because we'd already be there."

    Thank you, thank you. Don't worry my liberal friend. One day FDR and Woodrow Wilson's controlled corporatist economy will fall and the reign of the individualist entrepreneur will come. One day the black and gold flag of anarcho-capitalism will fly over an America free of the Democrat/Republican /Corporate plutocracy and it will be like heaven.


  • i'm so proud - i got a 0%! i'm going to go turn on my car and just let it run all day for no reason. i'm in an earth-warming mood today.

  • You score 100% see below for explanation

    CONGRATULATIONS!! You are a hard-core Liberal.You are one of the good guys, fighting against the forces of evil.God gave you a brain,and you are using it.You are a rational person, who reasons logically.You don't see the world as black and white. You have the sense to know that there are gray areas.It's good to have people like you in this world.This world NEEDS more people like you.If everyone were like you, we wouldn't need to go to heaven, because we'd already be there.

    Awesome!! !


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