Many people think there the best of the justin bieber world i dont think they are so come and take THE ULTIMATE JUSTIN BIEBER QUIZ! (please rate me) see your results if you dare so thanks for reading if you like my quiz please comment and rate well bye

Please come and take THE ULTIMATE JUSTIN BIEBER QUIZ! If you LoVe JuStiN BiEbEr! if you dont like my quiz ohh well sucks to be me i dont care if you like or dont just take it i wanna see more about you well bye

Created by: kaeleigh
  1. When is Justin Biebers birthday?
  2. What is Justin's Favorite breakfast ceral?
  3. What is Justin's moms name?
  4. What is the name of his FIRST 2 albums?
  5. If you had to jump off a cliff to save his life would you do it?
  6. Lets say he marries you and since he's a pop star he's not around much what would you do?
  7. Now picture this your at Sea World and You Excuse yourself to go to this restroom and you come back to see him kissing another girl how would you react?
  8. What is justin's fan number?
  9. What is Justin bieber do when he's sad?
  10. What kind of breed is Justin's dog sam?

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