The Twilight Saga**Books Only**

The Twilight Saga is awesome! Let's test your knowledge! Take this quiz! YOU MUST KNOW ABOUT TWILIGHT! You are a Twilight lover! I love Twilight! I hope you comment!

I love Twilight, do you? If you love Twilight, take this quiz! Do you know all about the books? Have you read all of the books? Let's see what you know!

Created by: Ivy Dex

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who is Bella's boyfriend?
  2. What is Bella's mother's name?
  3. What is Bella's father's name?
  4. When does Bella get pregnant?
  5. Who does Bella marry?
  6. What type of blood does Bella drink during her pregnancy?
  7. Where does Bella have her first kiss?
  8. What does Bella turn in to?
  9. What gender is Bella's baby?
  10. What does Bella name her baby?
  11. How many centimeters does Bella's baby grow a day?
  12. Who delivers Bella's baby after Rosalie smells Bella's blood?

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