the supreme court ch.18

As the owners tout, this is ''where the city that works eats.'' And, people certainly have good reason to eat here: This is one of the best steak houses in the country. In fact, some diners work up quite an appetite before hand -- one big enough to devour the 64-ounce porterhouse. Don't despair if your work ethic doesn't necessitate eating 64 ounces of anything, though. You'll find a more reasonable 16-ounce New York strip or

The name and reputation bring lots of tourists, but Chicagoans flock here as well, as evidenced by the photograph-covered walls -- a veritable who's who of the city's political, social and business communities, gangsters and all. Founder Henry Norton opened the Chicago Chop House in 1986 after nearly 30 years of bar-owning experience. His legacy lives on in the capable hands of three partners: VP of Operations Susan Gayford, General Manager John Pontarelli and Executive Chef William Farrahi. Regardless of the hours you've put in this week, you deserve a visit. -- Laura M. Zimmerman (Photo: Thaddeus Rudd)

Created by: ally

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  1. "blank"is th epower to decide on the constitutionality of an act of government.
  2. the supreme court has great power as th eultimate authority on"blank"
  3. The supreme court acts as the "blank" of disputes between the feds and states
  4. the __ is hearing it for the case for the first time
  5. the -- hears appeal cases
  6. the court hears about -- cases a year even though -- are apealed to it
  7. th e---- is when -- judges must agree the court shoudl hear the case before the case is selected to the court docket.
  8. most reach the court by-------,an order to alower court to send up the record in a given case.
  9. some cases are sent by-- , when appellate courts state supremes or others requesting a ruling on a particulat point of law
  10. are written documents supporting one side of a case submitted before anything is heard
  11. lawyers speak to justices emphasizing the major points the made in thier written breifs
  12. represents the us before the s.c in all cases which is its party
  13. where the justices meet to discuss dpth and vote on the cases they have heard
  14. congress shall make no law respecting an -- of religion, or prohibiting the -- thereof, or abriding the freedom of ---,or of the--,or of the right of the people to peacefully assemble on to petiotion the government for a redress of grievances
  15. the -- and -- garentee the american people to certain rights and liberties
  16. protection against government
  17. acts by government to garentee its citizens equality before the law.
  18. most rights are garenteed to
  19. amendment that stated if its not there doesnt mean its not expressed
  20. -- and -- prhibit the establisment an exercise of religion
  21. the -- clause seperates churh from state
  22. the -- test states purpose to aid of religious schools
  23. intent to harm
  24. slander is
  25. libel
  26. regulates what is obscene
  27. --- were not protected in freedom of press
  28. expression by conduct
  29. punishable acts: spying
  30. punishable acts: act against a country
  31. punishable acts: making war against america
  32. punishable acts:speech or writing against government
  33. due process -- feds-- states
  34. gov act fairly in accord with the establishment of rules
  35. -- gov must use fair processes when enforcing a law, -- gov must create fair laws to enfore
  36. slavery-- ,-- and militay are legal
  37. allow them to create a police force
  38. prevents unjust arrest and imprisionmet
  39. made illegal all legislative acts that apply

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