The StarCraft Galaxy Quiz

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How good are you at memorizing random facts from the lives of the residents of the SC Ginga? Well, that's what this quiz is here to ask you! So come, test your pointless knowledge...

(About SpaceCraft Galaxy): Every year, the Spacecraft 'Ginga' returns to Earth for a short period of time. This week is usually the time a broadcast would come booming through the loudspeakers, announcing the decent to the planet, but nobody has heard from the captain in months... Of course, a malfunctioning android by the name of Mason, along with her friends, take it upon themselves to investigate...

Created by: 'Brandy Cream' of Read SpaceCraft Galaxy here:
(your link here more info)
  1. What was Cass' father called?
  2. What is Cass' full first name
  3. What is Felix's eye?
  4. What does Leo collect?
  5. Who is Schadel?
  6. What were Orion's parents called?
  7. What are the names of the two pilots on the SC Ginga?
  8. What is Buzz's mother called?
  9. Which is the robot that lives in the storeroom?
  10. Who was behind the fire of 2136?

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