the Random quiz (its fun)

there are lots of great people in the world including you but there are bad people that also might be you so if you want to chang that its not my choice its yours

do you run a great family or not well if not i hope you get a great family too i bet you will do just fine and run a great family and have great kids too

Created by: Doctor Death
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. did you drop out of school
  2. do you exersise
  3. are you married(or planning to)
  4. do you want kids
  5. do you like to cuddle
  6. hot weaher cold weather or warm weather or other
  7. how do you fall asleep
  8. only child
  9. were do you live in
  10. how many friends do you have

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