The Random quiz

This is basically a random quiz so if u wanna mix up and have some fun take the quiz! You can learn some new facts and funny stuff! This quiz is for all ages and anyone from the dumb to the smart!

Can you possibly do this?? I'm giving a warning now that side affects will include : smartness, bigger brain, kool new facts and finally, aching of the brain but don't worry it's all part of the fun ( that's how I spell cool just in case you noticed)

Created by: Harper

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. About how much percent of the population in America sneeze when exposed to light
  2. How many teeth do Mosquitos have???
  3. Whats the kids show about science?
  4. Who are Megan and Liz
  5. How old was the oldest person
  6. What country is rio in
  7. How old is my LITTLE sister?
  8. Who plays the female lead in soul surfer
  9. Who sings the song ??
  10. What's the best gift

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