The Random Quiz!

stupid 15 charcter rule... stupid 15 charcter rule... stupid 15 charcter rule... stupid 15 charcter rule... stupid 15 charcter rule... stupid 15 charcter rule...

stupid 15 charcter rule... stupid 15 charcter rule... stupid 15 charcter rule... stupid 15 charcter rule... stupid 15 charcter rule... stupid 15 charcter rule...

Created by: Demyier
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Favorite color? =D
  2. Favorite thing to do...
  3. Scenario!! =D
  4. Okay, so you're walking in a back ally. (wow why're you hanging out there O___e) There's this gang, and they spot you. You know what happens now, they try to beat you up. There are 10 guys, and they don't look so nice. What do you do?
  5. Alright, hero time! Some guy comes out of nowhere and kicks their butts to next year. What's your reaction?
  6. Th guy says 'You better get out of here if you value your life even in th least.' and then he disappears. You do...?
  7. Either way, you head outta' th place. How surprising,(not!) before you can leave, a Dragon drops out of th sky right in front of you, looking at you like you'd taste great with Ketchup. Your reaction?
  8. Th Dragon blows fire at you. You...?
  9. Th Dragon shrinks into th body of a girl and collapses. That guy from earlier is behind her, holding a blue gem. You...?
  10. Th guys says 'You were too late. Now you must see your true self!' Th last thing you know there's a blinding light and then you wake up. But it didn't exactly seem like a dream. Continue to see what you are.

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