The Random Hogwarts Do You Like Remus Lupin Quiz

Well,this is kinda a quiz to take if you want to find out how much you like/are like Remus Lupin from Harry Potter.I know,Lupin doesn't speak French,but I added that in just to be funny.

*sings randomly in French*La faí§on dont tu bouges, c'est comme un plein sur orage et je suis un chí¢teau de cartes Vous íªtes le genre de imprudent qui doit m'envoyer en cours d'exécution....

Created by: SeverinaFoxtail

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which do you like better?
  2. !@#$%^&*()~_+)*&$!$^*
  3. qwertyuiop
  4. Ok!Do you have an angry,explosive reaction to stupid questions?
  5. Allez-vous í  l'Académie Beaxbatons de la magie?
  6. Qu'est-ce que vous y enseigner?
  7. Quelle maison íªtes-vous?
  8. Have you liked this quiz so far?
  9. Back to France!!
  10. Dernií¨re question, avez-vous aller í  Durmstrangs?

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Quiz topic: The Random Hogwarts do I Like Remus Lupin Quiz