The quiz quiz...wowo

I decided to make this quiz when my answers were wack on the emo quizzes before. So i am tryign to make a better one for all you people out there who need closeure on your un/positive emo selves.. so here you go! hope you enjoy maybe..?

are you emo? or are you music obssessed? you haven't known until now, so i am here to help. hope you discover your true self now... with my awesome *cough* quiz quiz..

Created by: kat
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. DO you like Hawthorne Heights?
  2. Do you like wearing band shirts?
  3. Do you cut yourself?
  4. what is your favorite color?
  5. What is panic at the disco to you?
  6. What is your favorite Aiden song?
  7. How about your shoes?
  8. Hair?
  9. jeans?
  10. makeup? o_0

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