The quiz of... something

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Some people are brave, smart, cool. But this test is only to find out if your BRAVE! Are you brave enough to step into hell and take the quiz? are you brave enough to teleport onto a planet of Zombie's? Lets find out!

Are you BRAVE??? brave enough to punch a demon in the FACE?! brave enough to Step into Hell's kitchen? Are you brave enough to listen to Justin beiber's crappy music? Lets find Out!

Created by: Tanner
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If 5 was a letter, what letter do you think it should replace?
  2. Hello!
  3. would you feel guilty if you shot (and killed) your enemy?
  4. if you could have 1 gun with unlimited ammunition, what would it be?
  5. All answer's have no effect!
  6. Do you tend to beg?
  7. You try asking the question's!
  8. How do you file an axe?
  9. How much wood could a wood chuck chuck of a wood chuck could chuck wood
  10. What color is this?

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