The Naruto Knowledge Quiz

From the person who brought you Akatsuki Personality Quiz (featuring Finland). Now brings a new quiz into the world but computerized. YEAH!! This world of ninjas is just too fun so get your sexy on and stockpile coconuts for the summer and strap in. ITS THE LAW.

Dont strain your brain or computor memory. Make sure you got all the cookies and dive into the deep world of Poke'---Naruto!?>>--<< Now lets look at the evolution chart. NARUTO--Lv 15--> Shippudan Naruto.

Created by: Dan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How many Puppets have been seen in the series?
  2. Kisame is from the Hidden ______.
  3. How many clans have been shown in the series?
  4. Naruto's mother originally come from the Hidden __________.
  5. Sasuke has attained what level of Sharingahn?
  6. Who in Akatsuki is dead?
  7. Anko is the desiple of __________.
  8. Name all the sword using characters.
  9. How many forms of Rasengahn are there so far?
  10. How many forms of Chidori are there?

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