The Moviestarplanet quiz!

This quiz is about MovieStarPlanet ( When you take the quiz make sure you rember much as you can about msp so when you take the quiz it will be easier!

At MovieStarPlanet we strongly encourage parents and guardians to take an active role in promoting online safety. Please talk to your children about how to remain safe and how to behave online. We must all be vigilant when children are online, just as we are when they are on the street. We need to make sure that they are protected from people who may pose a risk. Online, children can be exposed to unwanted, illegal or inappropriate content, but there are certain steps that you and your child can take to avoid the risk of something unpleasant happening.

Created by: Lola of
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who is the highest level on UK msp
  2. Who quit UK msp along time ago?
  3. Why did Ishacool quit?
  4. What level are you on?
  5. How old are you to play msp?
  6. What are rares?
  7. What level is Cutegirlneha on?
  8. Can you glitch things on msp?
  9. Is there a user called FlawlessBat7771?
  10. Did you enjoy the quiz?

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