The Minecraft quiz

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Hello there! Welcome to my quiz and hope you enjoy it so this quiz tests your minecraft knowledge to see how much you know about minecraft and to make sure to tell your friends.

Read this if you are gonna take the quiz and if you do thank you for playing this and please tell your friends and Family but I mean I am working on more quizzes so bye bye!

Created by: Izm
  1. Who is the creator of minecraft?
  2. Do you play minecraft?
  3. Do creepers live when they blow up?
  4. Is grass in minecraft?
  5. Which of these blocks can you not break at all?
  6. Does the creator of this quiz play minecraft?
  7. Is fortnite better than minecraft
  8. Can 8 year olds play minecraft?
  9. Can you ride pigs?
  10. Are there dragons in minecraft?

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