The McDonald's Apocalypse Quiz

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Imagine if the movie "Red Dawn" became a reality, but instead of fighting for the hammer and sickle, the troops landing in your town were fighting for the golden arches. Inspired by a quiz I found on

How will YOU fare in the McDonald's Apocalypse? Will you become a rebel fighter against the McDonald's Army, part of the McDonald's Army, killed in action, or a slave to Ronald McDonald? Take this quiz to find out!

Created by: Yuri Andropov
  1. It's a seeming normal day until you hear on the radio that McDonald's has been building an army and may be preparing for war. What do you do?
  2. Can you run fast?
  3. How is your weight?
  4. How often do you eat at McDonald's?
  5. You go along with your day, and when you get back home you see on television that the US flag is being lowered and replaced with the McDonald's flag. How do you react?
  6. You hear that McDonald's has opened a new restaurant near you, what do you do?
  7. You're out on the battlefield and someone walks up to you and offers you a Big Mac, what do you do?
  8. You and your militia are nearly surrounded and McDonald's troops are closing in on your position. What do you do?
  9. You have just barely escaped and come across a gun store. What kinds of weapons do you and your surviving militia members pick up?
  10. You and your militia stop to set up camp for the night, what kind of food do you have?
  11. You and your militia wake up the next morning and see that a group of McDonald's troops are approaching fast. What do you do?
  12. You and your militia hear on the your radio that a rebel military base has been established. You are about 150 miles out. What do you do?
  13. While you and your militia are traveling you see a McDonald's restaurant in the distance and it is heavily guarded by McDonald's troops. What do you do?
  14. You and your militia decide to establish your own base. What kind of base do you decide to build?
  15. It has now been two months and the war continues. You are preparing for your largest battle yet that could ultimately determine the fate of your militia.

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