The (MAJOR) Moron Test

There are many intelligent people in this world- but unfortunately, there are far more morons and idiots than those with real brains. Which one of those types are you?

Have you ever wanted to find out? Are you stick in the mud stupid, or a bright as light bulb smart? Until now, you could only try to guess. But thanks to this quiz, you can find out in just a few easy questions!

Created by: Peg
  1. We'll start off easy: The third letter of the alphabet is the letter C.
  2. You have 20 fingers and toes (combined.)
  3. What are the magic words?
  4. Who is Julia Roberts? (Be as specific as possible!)
  5. What was the fifth question I asked you so far in this quiz?
  6. Do they have a Fourth of July in China?
  7. Farmer Brown has 177 pigs, 356 horses, and 981 cows. A lightning strike hits all the animals except for 7 chickens. How many creatures are left standing?
  8. What is 78 less than 79?
  9. There is a mailbox that contains 6 letters. The mailman comes, takes 3, and puts in 15 more. Now how many letters are in the mailbox?
  10. Divide 10 by 1/2 and add 2. What is the result?
  11. This is the last question on this quiz.

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