The lizard quiz!

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Can you be the next albert einstein of lizards well you can find out of the amazing quiz where you find out about mostly about lizards. this is the ultimate lizard quiz.

You will see if you know what they eat what they need and the do's and don'ts of lizards the people who get 100 percent are the true geniuses' SO GET YOUR GENIUS ON!

Created by: colin
  1. What do Bearded Dragons eat mostly?
  2. Do Crested Gecko's need lamps?
  3. What happens if a bearded dragon eats sand?
  4. Can Lizards eat cheese?
  5. Is this quiz awesome?
  6. Is this quiz true?
  7. What time is a crested gecko mostly awake?
  8. Do the bearded dragons spikes hurt if they touch you?
  9. Do chameleons change colors to their surroundings?
  10. Do chameleons swim?

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