Are you a lizard genius?

Lizards. The first reptiles. Older than dinosaurs. Some people are afraid of lizards, but that is not true. Sure, some people have been bitten, but almost all of the time, if you get bitten, you won't die.

Do you consider yourself a lizard genius? If you were a scientist, would you study reptiles and amphibians? Well, you're about to find out! Take this quiz and it will change your life (not really). Good luck!

Created by: Isaac Mayer
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. A herpetologist studies:
  2. An inland bearded dragon is native to:
  3. The largest lizard in the world lives on what island?
  4. Do you have a pet reptile or amphibian, and is it healthy?
  5. Dinosaurs are more closely related to
  6. Reptiles are:
  7. Which one of these things can happen with a gecko?
  8. Do chameleons usually change color for
  9. Are iguanas herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores?
  10. What does a horned toad (actually a lizard) eat?
  11. What is special about the Gila monster or Mexican beaded lizard?

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Quiz topic: Am I a lizard genius?