The life of Momo and Co

WARNING! you must atleast of read The life of Momo and Co on Smack jeeves to take this quiz. if not i shall kill you, im just kidding, but you better of read the comic cause MAYBE i WILL kill YOU!.... stUpiD CappS LocKs1

if you fail you win a slap across the face or maybe a pet algigator. or some gold or super powers or blah blah or food or maybe something you've always wanted

Created by: Tyler
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. who are the two leaders of the comic
  2. has it ever been deleted by a hacker
  3. how many sprites does Momo have
  4. who does Vecios hate he most
  5. what is momo's latest sprite
  6. how many authors does The Life of Momo and Co have
  7. who are Vecious's two best friend on Smack jeeves
  8. what sprite does Nix have
  9. who has a Avatar of there character attacking tails with a keyblade
  10. what was the very first comment
  11. which answer is correct
  12. why did i make this quiz
  13. what show is Vecious a fan of
  14. why does Maximo like to fight
  15. does Dylan * Vecious's son on the comic* have a super form
  16. what is Dylan's super form look like
  17. where does Vecious get his sprites at
  18. how Many times did Momo change his sprite
  19. do i have a loose tooth and does it hurt like hell

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