The Last 12

If you are reading this, I must warn you that it is a waste of time. Opening paragraphs are totally useless. If you wanna know what the quiz is about, TAKE IT!!!!

If you are reading this, I must warn you that it is a waste of time. Opening paragraphs are totally useless. If you wanna know what the quiz is about, TAKE IT!!!

Created by: pielover511
  1. I'm thinking of writing a book, so I'm gonna put it here and see if you guys like it. The results will not count. Is that acceptable?
  2. Prologue: "She's waking up," a voice whispered. I opened my eyes and saw a red-haired girl standing over me. I was lying on a white couch. A man in a lab coat entered the room. "Hannah, you're awake! I apologize for such a violent kidnapping, but the fate of mankind depends on your safety." "And you're keeping me safe by kidnapping me?" I thought. He continued talking. "I know you may be skeptical, but everything will become clear in a moment. We just have to wait until Sarah wakes up." Just then, a girl who had been asleep nearby starts stirring." The man in the lab coat greets her in the same way he greeted you. "Now, I suppose I have a lot of explaining to do.
  3. "The 12 of you have been selected for Project Reconstruction. The government has determined that in 72 hours, a bomb constructed by the Chinese will be set off and destroy mankind. When we got word of this, we, along with several other countries, decided to select 12 teenagers each to put in stasis. After radiation levels have returned to normal, you will be awakened, and... repopulate." There was a long silence after that. A guy with dark hair and green eyes raised his hand. "This isn't school, Mason. You don't have to raise your hand." "So, we have to... you know. But what if we don't want to? Not that I don't..." He looked at me after that statement. "Well, then mankind will survive, but not as easily. Don't worry, you can wait until you're ready. Oh, and my name's Dr. Sutherland, by the way."
  4. "Like I said, we have everything arranged. As a matter of fact, you're going to enter stasis in 24 hours. I cannot apologize enough for this. I don't like it, but I can't change the government's mind. Now, you should probably get to know each other. I'll go."
  5. The second he left, everyone started chatting like nothing had happened. I almost screamed at them, but just then Mason walked up to me. "Hey. Pretty crazy, isn't it? We've been chosen out of like, a billion people to survive an apocalypse." "Yeah, it is pretty cool, I guess." I had never really been close to anyone, so I wasn't bothered by the fact I was going to live and my family wasn't. If anything, I didn't like my family at all. They never understood my interest in music. They hadn't been to a graduation, or ever come to a concert.
  6. Mason, seeing that I wanted to be alone, left. "You like him, don't you?" asked a voice behind me. It was Sarah. "Well... I hadn't thought of it." Truthfully, I hadn't. I glanced at all of the guys. Aside from Mason, there were five guys. One had sandy hair and brown eyes. Another had brown hair and golden eyes. There was an Asian-looking guy lounging on the couch I woke up on. In a chair sat a dark-skinned guy, reading a book. My gaze traveled to the far corner. There was a dark-haired, blue eyed guy who was staring at the wall.
  7. Sarah stood there, tapping her toe. "Well? Which guy do you like? You heard Dr. Sutherland. We have to choose eventually." I thought for a second and pointed to the guy sitting in the corner. He glanced up at me, but looked away quickly. "How about you, Sarah?" She pointed at Mason.
  8. Sarah giggled. "You should talk to him," I said. She blushed. "Fine, but only if you talk to your guy." "Deal." We separated. I walked to the corner. "Hey." He looked up. "Hey," he said coldly. "So... pretty cool, huh? All this apocalypse stuff, I mean." "Yeah, I guess." I sighed and left. He clearly wasn't interested.
  9. Sarah came back. "Any luck with Mason?" She sighed. "No. Any luck with your guy?" "No. He clearly isn't interested at all." She frowned. "Well, I guess I'll try my luck with someone else." She approached the Asian guy. I thought about it and decided that I wasn't gonna give up so easily..
  10. I was just about to take my first step when an alarm blared. So much for getting the guy...

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