The Jeremy Kyle Quiz

The German philosopher Fredrich Nietzsche spoke of the concept of the Ubermenschen or superman, an idealised and perfected version of humanity that is impossible to attain.

Yet he was wrong. Everyday on our television screens we see many such specimens of ubermenschen paraded before us on the Jeremy Kyle show. But the question is do you have what it takes to be one of them? Could you be on Jeremy Kyle? Find out now with this easy to take test. (Let's face it if you could go on there it would have to be an easy to take test.)

Created by: Mad Matt

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How many teeth do you have?
  2. You are actually in your early thirties, how old do you look?
  3. Is the father of your child...?
  4. Do you buy smack off your mother who is also having an affair with your best friend's son?
  5. Are you the father???!!!!
  6. Your mother is a drug addled prostitute, what do you do?
  7. You make some very serious allegations of abuse against your mother's boyfriend, how do you take the matter further?
  8. You are talking to someone sitting in an arm chair, where is the best position to talk to them?
  9. Could you be described as vermin?
  10. You are having relationship difficulties, how do you sort them out?

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