The Iliad and Thereafter

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If you are interested in Ancient Greece, Classical Studies or Greek Mythology this might be the site you want to visit and see what else we have going.

We are a group of like-minded former students of "The Ancient Greek Hero in 24 Hours" a massive on-line open classroom lead by Professor Gregory Nagy!

Created by: William Moulton
  1. Which is the second play of the Oresteia?
  2. Which two texts did Homer compose?
  3. Which two text did Hesiod compose?
  4. Whom did King Alcinous wed?
  5. What woman shared heroic honors with Agamemnon?
  6. Who were the primary lead Achaean warriors in Book X of the Iliad?
  7. Which is NOT an Ancient Greek word for "sea"?
  8. What is Chryseis' that is Miss Chryses' first name?
  9. Who is Orestes therapon?
  10. Chryses is priest for which god?

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