The hidden object game!! :)

This quiz is just for fun. Not a jeneral knowledge quiz dont worry!!!This quiz is just for fun. Not a jeneral knowledge quiz dont worry!!!This quiz is just for fun. Not a jeneral knowledge quiz dont worry!!!

If they are way to hard please just skip them... YOU READY!!!If they are way to hard please just skip them... YOU READY!!!If they are way to hard please just skip them... YOU READY!!!

Created by: illly
  1. Pick the O I am thinking of..
  2. Find the hidden word... 67398700h7845898e84758825l37582095l77578622698o
  3. What cup has a smiley face in it?
  4. Unscramble the word... aifolnrcia
  5. Find the o..
  6. Fill in the blank. The tip of the shoelace is called the_______.
  7. Figure out the word following my clues. This letter starts with a H. The last letter is SOMETIMES a vowel. And two letters are the same. It has 5 letters.
  8. What object has the hidden face?
  9. Figure out the name of the show using my clues. It is on disney. There are two main caracters that are boys. One has a girlfriend. This shiw has been upgraded by changing two letters in the title. They somethins get wet.
  10. Last Question!!! Find the hidden phrase!! 763968567388g658o68769o63895d53098683b6838y5985986848e!!

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