The Go Rock Squad Quiz

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You are agunius if you got to mimerise this info on the website 1million times: N-n-now thats a-a-ll fo-folk-s Ha Ha Ha Ha. I mean it thats all folks: hahahaha

Created by: Travis3345 of The Go Rock Squad
(your link here more info)
  1. What is the Go-Rock-Squads worst enimey?
  2. Who is the President of the Go-Rock-Squad?
  3. Who is the Vice President of the Go-Rock-Squad?
  4. Who is the Tresuer of the Go-Rock-Squad?
  5. Who is the Mayer of Australia's part of the Go-Rock-Squad?
  6. How many members does the Go-Rock-Squad have in Australia?
  7. Is this the 7th question?
  8. Are there only boys in the Go-Rock-Squad?
  9. is this the best quiz?
  10. 10 is the best?

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