The Food IQ Quiz

There are many smart people, but few true geniuses. I hope you enjoyed taking this quiz and hopefully this will encourage you to make one yourself.

Are YOU smarter than this quiz? Do you have the brains to accomplish this quiz? In a few minutes you will find out! Take this quiz to see if you can get it 100% right!

Created by: MicheleBecca
  1. What component of food gives you the most energy during exercise
  2. What are major nutrients of foods?
  3. What is BMI (Body Mass Index?
  4. Vitamins function as _________ to release energy from the energy nutrients such as carbs, fats, and proteins
  5. Proteins are composed of....
  6. Which of the following foods are good foods to eat that are full of vitamins and minerals?
  7. True or False?- Simple carbs are also called simple sugars.
  8. True or False?- Milk contains Vitamin C.
  9. True or False?- Complex carbs take less time to digest than simple carbs
  10. What is a good carbohydrate food to eat before exercising?

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