The Evil Quiz 2222

Are you evil? some questions require true evilness. if you cant answer them you will fail the most important part of the quiz true evilness. Do well or die.

Are you stupid? find out in this 2 topic quiz. if you are stupid you will get a message that say youre are stupid. How every if your smart you will get a message that says your smart

Created by: Austin
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Someone stole your money you:
  2. You get hit in the face accidently by someone You:
  3. Your friend betrays you. What do you do?
  4. You want to go to your friends house but your friend doesnt want to play with you. What do you do?
  5. die
  6. hello
  7. you suck. Your comeback:
  8. Did you like your phone
  9. 11
  10. 22552

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