The Dumb IQ Test

This is not an iq test. Well, it is kind of. Its for non geunouses or houever you speel it. I hope you enjoy, and are you actually reading? I dont think so. Hmph well go to your quiz!

Are you dumb? Maybe, maybe not. But still. This iq test wilk tell you for sure! This test is not an iq test and will not give real answers. This test is just for entertainment purposes.

Created by: Em
  1. What is 1+1?
  2. La and Da go to a party. Da does something to get her arrested in doll jail. What did she do?
  3. Who is Taylor Swift?
  4. Who am I?
  5. What color is the sky?
  6. What is a humungofuliter?
  7. What time is it?
  8. A stranger shoots your BFF. The guy shoots your cousin's and sister's BFFs. What does this person do for a living?
  9. Instead of hand sanitiser, you use ant poison to clean your hands. What do you do?
  10. This is the last question. How well do you think you did?

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