The Darek Quiz (Do you Know Me)?

Are you bored? Well, take my quiz and see how well you really know me. It's ten simple questions that'll probably only take three minutes out of your life.

The questions range from where was I born to what my favorite pizza topping is. In other words, it's a fairly easy quiz to take. So, take it! Don’t be afraid!

Created by: Darek

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How did Allie and I meet?
  2. Where was I born?
  3. How many states have I either lived in or visited?
  4. What are my parent's names
  5. Who is my favorite band?
  6. Why was the last time I was in the hospital?
  7. What is my favorite sport?
  8. Who is my all-time favorite athelete?
  9. Out of these four TV stations, which is the least likely I'd watch?
  10. What is my favorite pizza topping(s)?

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Quiz topic: The Darek Quiz (do I Know Me)?