The Colour Theory Quiz

In this unit you have learnt alot about colour and now it is time to put that knowledge to the test and see just how much you have taken in. Remember this is for fun though so don't take it too seriously.

It's time to see if you are a colour genius. How much of the Colour Wheel have you remembered? Relax, put your brain into gear and I promise this won't hurt a bit.

Created by: AAWEP
  1. What is a primary colour?
  2. What are the three primary colours?
  3. What do you get when you mix two primary colours together?
  4. What secondary colour do you get when you mix red and yellow together?
  5. What secondary colour do you get when you mix blue and yellow together?
  6. What secondary colour do you get when you mix blue and red together?
  7. What do you get when you mix two secondary colours together?
  8. Complementary colours sit on opposite sides of the colour wheel. If placed next to each other in a painting, what do they do for each other
  9. Why shouldn't you automatically use black to darken a colour?
  10. Warm colours appear closer and cool ones further away. What are generally considered warm colours and cool colours?
  11. When colour mixing, should you add a darker colour to a lighter or a lighter to a darker?

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