The Catcher In The Rye Quiz

The Catcher In The Rye is a classic novel about a young man named Holden Caulfield and an eventful few days in his life. This will test your knowledge of the book and ultimately decide how much you paid attention.

I hope you enjoy this quiz very much. It took, like, an hour to make it. Anyways, if you liked this novel, you should read some of JD Salinger's short stories.

Created by: TheHuntster

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who is narrating the story?
  2. Where is it implied he is telling the story?
  3. Where does Holden go to school?
  4. Why did Holden attempt to hit Stradlater?
  5. What is Holden shown wearing throughout the novel?
  6. Which of these drinks does Holden like?
  7. What was the prostitute's name?
  8. What did Holden and Jane do the day they met?
  9. Why did Holden wake up when he was spending the night Mr. Antolini's home?
  10. Who did Holden hate in the bible?
  11. Who does Holden go ice skating with?
  12. What does Holden see written on the wall at Phoebe's school?
  13. Where does Holden take Phoebe at the end?

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